Personal Injury

Injured Neck or Injured Back From Car Accident – Soft Tissue? What does that

Two of the most common injuries caused in a car accident are injury to the neck and injury to the back.  For the most part, neck and back injuries sustained in an auto accident fall into two categories: (1) soft tissue or (2) not soft tissue.

Soft tissue technically refers to the tissue, tendons, muscles and ligaments, etc. within your body.  In other words, not bone.  However, in the insurance claims world, insurance adjusters use the term “soft tissue injury” to refer to pretty much any injuries they deem as insignificant (i.e. muscle strains, sprains, strained ligaments, etc.).  Whiplash is an example of what is commonly referred to as a “soft tissue” injury.  However, those of us who have suffered from injuries to our neck or back know that these injuries can be very painful.  At the very least, these injuries create discomfort and inconvenience.

In more severe cases, neck and back injuries can be debilitating.
The difficulty with most neck and back injuries is that they are often very subjective.  Unless you have a fracture or a serious disc herniation/protrusion that shows up on an MRI, it is difficult, if not impossible, to show someone your injury.  It’s not like a broken bone where you say here it is; look at my x-ray, I have a broken arm.  Insurance companies do not like things they cannot see, and adjusters are basically trained to believe that “soft tissue injuries” are not substantial injuries requiring treatment.

As far as insurance companies are concerned all strains and sprains are the same, chiropractors are frauds and no soft tissue injury should require more than three to four months of treatment.  The reality is even a “soft tissue” injury can be very serious and painful; and more serious strains can take months if not years to resolve.
If you sufferred a neck or back injury in a car accident make sure you know the extent of your injury before even attempting negotiating an injury settlement; and do not be afraid to get a second opinion or speak with an injury lawyer before entering into negotiations.

Chandler | Conway

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