Personal Injury

Top 9 Steps to Take After A Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, often resulting in severe injuries and significant financial burden. In the aftermath of such an incident, it is crucial to understand the legal steps to take to protect your rights, ensure proper compensation, and hold responsible parties accountable.

Step 1: Prioritize Safety & Medical Attention

Immediately after a motorcycle accident, prioritize your safety and the well-being of others involved. Move to a safe location to avoid further harm and assess yourself and others for injuries. Call emergency services to report the accident and seek immediate medical attention, even if injuries seem minor. Prompt medical care both ensures your health and provides documentation crucial for any legal claims.


Step 2: Contact Law Enforcement & Document the Scene

Call the police to report the accident and to ensure that a detailed police report is filed. The motor vehicle accident report can serve as a vital piece of evidence in establishing the circumstances of the accident. While waiting for the authorities, document the scene by taking photographs of the vehicles involved, the road conditions, and any relevant signage. If possible, obtain contact information from witnesses, as their statements may be crucial later on.


Step 3: Exchange Information

Exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident. Obtain details such as:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • License plate numbers
  • Insurance policy information

Again, if there are any witnesses, collect their contact information as well. This information can be essential for filing insurance claims and potential future legal actions.


Step 4: Seek Medical Evaluation

As mentioned above, even if injuries appear to be non-immediate, it is imperative to undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation. Since some injuries may manifest well after the crash, a timely medical examination ensures your injuries are properly documented should your condition worsen in the days or weeks following the crash. Medical records serve as crucial evidence in establishing the nature and extent of your injuries, as well as connecting them to the motorcycle accident. When you have been involved in a significant crash, it’s always a good idea to get checked out, but seeking immediate treatment is even more important when you have suffered a loss of consciousness, or you are experiencing a great amount of pain or swelling.


Step 5: Notify Your Insurance Company

Promptly notify your insurance company of the motorcycle accident. Provide your insurance carrier with accurate and detailed information about the incident. Be cautious about making any recorded statements that may be misconstrued or used against you later on, and make sure to mention if you sustained injury or are experiencing any pain. Cooperate with your insurance company’s investigation while remaining mindful of your rights.


Step 6: Consult with an Attorney

It never hurts to ask.  Seeking legal advice is a crucial step in understanding your rights and pursuing appropriate legal action following an accident. Consult with a skilled personal injury attorney experienced in motorcycle accidents to discuss all options that might be available. At Chandler Conway, our attorneys can assess the viability of your case, guide you through the legal process, and help you navigate both the insurance claims process and any potential lawsuits.


Step 7: Preserve Evidence

Preserving evidence is crucial for building a strong legal case; this includes keeping record of all medical documents, bills, treatment plans, and prescriptions. Maintain a file of correspondence with all insurance companies and any written statements provided by witnesses. Preserve damaged property, such as your motorcycle and gear, as they may serve as tangible evidence later on.


Step 8: Determine Liability and Fault

Determining liability and fault is a critical aspect of a motorcycle accident case. Investigations may involve assessing traffic laws, examining witness statements, and evaluating the actions of all parties involved. There is an inherent bias against motorcyclists.  Your attorney can help investigate the accident, establish liability, and identify responsible parties such as negligent drivers, manufacturers, or entities responsible for road maintenance.


Step 9: Evaluate Compensation Options

Explore potential avenues for compensation, which may include insurance claims, medical payment coverage (medpay), third-party liability claims, and underinsured motorist (UIM) claims. Assess the damages you have suffered, including past medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and general damages such as mental pain, physical suffering, and inconvenience. Your attorney can help you understand the compensation you are entitled to and guide you on the most appropriate course of action.


Taking the right legal steps after a motorcycle accident is crucial to protecting your rights and securing fair compensation for damages. Prioritize safety and medical attention, document the scene, exchange information, seek medical evaluation, and promptly notify your insurance company. Consulting with an attorney, preserving evidence, and evaluating compensation options are additional crucial steps to navigate the legal process effectively. By following these steps, individuals involved in motorcycle accidents can work towards achieving a just resolution and ensuring accountability for those responsible.


Use Chandler Conway Attorneys for Motorcycle Accidents

One thing that separates motorcycle accidents from the typical car crash is the greater likelihood of sustaining serious injuries. There isn’t much room for error when you’re injured either as a driver or a passenger on a motorcycle, and many insurance companies don’t offer the same protection as they do with motor vehicle owners.

At Chandler|Conway PC LLO, our personal injury attorneys have several years of experience successfully representing victims of motorcycle accidents in accident cases. Contact us or explore our website to see how we can help you.


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