Personal Injury

Treatment of Concussion Following a Car Accident

Concussions are extremely common following a car crash, and many auto accident personal injury claims involve a traumatic brain injury (TBI).  According to the CDC, it’s estimated nearly 300,000 concussions occur each year as the result of motor vehicle accidents.  As a personal injury attorney, many of my clients have suffered, or are suffering from, a concussion as the result of an accident.  Over the years, the advice from medical providers has been mostly the same – rest, lay low, and stay away from screens, bright lights, and loud noises.  As explained in detail in Isobel Whitcomb’s article, How We Got Concussions Wrong, published on, March 17, 2024, we may be getting this wrong.  New studies indicate resuming activity, even moderate exercise and screen activity, may actually speed up recovery for patients who have suffered a concussion.  Suffering a brain injury, in addition to being debilitating, can be extremely frustrating.  Hopefully, the medical community continues to make strides in how these injuries are diagnosed and treated.


If you have recently suffered a mild TBI or concussion as the result of a car accident, contact the attorneys at Chandler Conway to discuss all options that might be available.


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