Personal Injury

New Distracted Driving Law & Punishments Proposed

Chandler | Conway

Chandler | Conway

Tuesday August 30, 2016

Many states, including Nebraska, have proposed and/or passed legislation that punishes drivers for failing to pay attention to the road; however, as referenced in this recent article by Michael Addady in Fortune Magazine, August 8, 2016, proposed legislation in New Jersey would result in the toughest legislation yet.

The present trend toward harsher punishments for drivers who are texting or involved in other types of distractive behavior while driving is no surprise.   More and more attention is being brought to the rise in car accidents occurring with the advent of new technology, and it’s not just injury lawyers and insurance companies that are taking note.

In April, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2010 there were 2,955 fatal car crashes involving distracted drivers.  With newer smart phones, tablets and smart watches becoming more and more popular in recent years, when the statistics finally catch up, it’s safe to say the numbers will be significantly greater.


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